May Day International Workers Day Speak-Out in Houston


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Houston Socialist Movement invites you to participate in a May Day International Workers Day Speak-Out at 6 pm on Friday, May 1, at City Hall in Houston, 901 Bagby Street. We will assemble on the side of the building facing Bagby Street. Together, we will raise our voices against the growing assault on the rights of workers, women, people of color, immigrants, and LGBT communities here in Texas and throughout the country. Together, we will condemn the Texas Legislature’s plans to pass draconian anti-immigrant laws and cut taxes on wealthy property owners while ignoring the needs of Texas schoolchildren, workers, veterans, and the disabled. Together, we will speak out in opposition to continuing US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; the threat of US wars against Iran and Syria; US support for fascist forces in Ukraine; and US efforts to overthrow revolutionary governments in Cuba and Venezuela.

The Houston Socialist Movement believes that capitalism is inexorably linked to class exploitation, poverty, economic insecurity, social inequality, racism, imperialism and national oppression, the oppression of women, anti-LGBT chauvinism, fascism, the destruction of the environment and many other social ills. We believe that only the abolition of capitalism can end these grave threats to humanity. The bourgeois political parties in the United States hold no promise for the working class majority. We are united in our commitment to independent working class political action as the key to fighting for vital, immediate reforms today and for socialist revolution tomorrow. May Day, the International Workers Day, is a great time for all of us to stand shoulder-to-shoulder and raise our voices on behalf of our collective liberation. There will be an open microphone for all supporters and allies of the working class at the Speak-Out, and we hope you will join us.

For more information, please call (832) 692-2306, (713) 530-8999 (se habla espanol), or (713) 213-1678 (se habla espanol).

 In Solidarity,

Houston Socialist Movement

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